Build 5.24g
(12 Sep 2024) |
COVID-19 Vaccines:
Added the 2024-25 Moderna/Spikevax, Novavax and Pfizer vaccines to the master list of vaccines. |
COVID-19 Vaccines:
Added the Emergency Use Fact Sheets for the 2024-25 Moderna/Spikevax, Novavax and Pfizer vaccines
to the list of viewable VISs. |
COVID-19 Vaccines:
Updated the algorithm for compiling NHSN COVID-19 reports to meet the new definition of
"up to date" |
Seasonal Flu Vaccines:
Updated the master list of available vaccines to include all trivalent vaccines recommended
by the CDC for the 2024-25 immunization season. |
RSV Vaccines:
Updated the master list of vaccines to include Abrysvo and Arexvy. |
Error Correction:
Resolved two user-reported errors. |
Build 5.24f
(25 Aug 2024) |
Seasonal Flu Immunization:
Implemented the ability to document, track and report vaccine administration, declinations, and
Questionnaire/Consent forms for the 2024-25 flu immunization season |
Build 5.24e
(7 Aug 2024) |
Printing the EMR:
Implemented the ability to include Audiometry, Visual Acuity, Color Vision Screening, and Vital
Signs in the printed summary |
Quantiferon Test Results:
Added columns for Mitogen, QFTNil, T1 and T2 to the spreadsheet report. |
Dip/Tet Immunizations:
Resolved one user-reported error. |
Build 5.24d
(29 May 2024) |
Respirator Clearances/Fit Tests:
Modified the Current Status Report to improve accuracy in cases where a fit test was documented
but the dates of seal checking and training were not documented. |
Respirator Clearances/Fit Tests:
Modified the Current Status Report to improve accuracy when the timeframe of the Report is
specified by the User. |
Build 5.24c
(29 May 2024) |
Infectious Disease Surveillance:
Modified the algorithm for calcluating subtotals in the Seasonal Influenza Compliance Report
when the report is subdivided by Department or Cost Center. |
Error Correction:
Resolved one user-reported error. |
Build 5.24b
(23 May 2024) |
Infectious Disease Surveillance:
Modified the algorithm for counting immunizations and declinations in the Seasonal Influenza
Compliance Report. |
Build 5.24a
(15 April 2024) |
Adding scanned documents to Incident
Documentation: Added a link to the Case Management screen for occupational injury/illness/exposure
cases, enabling the upload of scanned documents to the case file. |
Build 5.23z
(17 March 2024) |
Incident Locations: Modified the
documentation of the location where an injury, illness or exposure occurred to enable specifying
the establishment for OSHA reporting purposes. |
Build 5.23y
(17 March 2024) |
"Who's Due" Lists and Recall
Reminders: Added the ability to automatically create recall reminders for everyone on a
"Who's Due" roster for Flu Vaccines. |
Error Correction:
Resolved one user-reported error. |
Build 5.23x
(1 March 2024) |
OSHA Reporting:
Implemented the ability to upload OSHA 300/300A Logs and OSHA 301 Reports to OSHA via their
newly-documented Injury Tracking Application |
OSHA Reporting:
Implemented the ability to designate whether each Employer reports OSHA data by Establishment,
or for the entire facility. |
Standard Industrial Classification:
Deleted references to the obsolete SIC Coding and implemented an NAICS (North American Industry
Classification System) lookup table with current codes on the Employer Demographic data entry page. |
NHSN Weekly COVID Immunization Report:
Implemented the new reporting criteria (including the newly revised definition of "Up to Date",
which had been announced in November but not documented by NHSN until mid-February). The current
form is labeled January 2024 (57.219 rev 9). If a facility wishes to prepare a report for a week
prior to January 1 2024, MediTrax will automatically use the reporting criteria and form that were
in effect at that time. |
Workers Compensation Claim Management:
Added a field to document the email address of the Claim Adjuster. |
Build 5.23w
(9 February 2024) |
Minor Bug Fixes:
Corrected two user-reported errors. |
Build 5.23v
(28 January 2024) |
COVID-19 Workplace Status Report:
Revised the format of this report to remove columns for "No Immunizations",
"Partially Immunized", "Fully Immunized", and "Received Booster".
The categories now include "Up To Date", "Medical Exemption", and "Declined
Vaccine". |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization Compliance:
Revised the format of this report to eliminate distinctions between "Fully Immunized" and
"Partially Immunized". The categories now correspond to the most recent CDC reporting
criteria, reflecting whether an Employee is "up to date" with immunization (i.e.,
has received at least one dose of an updated 2023-2024 vaccine). |
Build 5.23u
(1 November 2023) |
Error Correction:
Resolved two user-reported errors. |
Build 5.23t
(20 October 2023) |
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS):
Added the VIS for Novavax Monovalent and RSV vaccines to the library of viewable VISs. |
Employee Portal:
Modified the code for configuring and updating the Portal to speed and streamline the process. |
Build 5.23s
(1 October 2023) |
COVID-19 Vaccines for 2023-24:
Added the updated Pfizer and Moderna monovalent vaccines to the roster of immunizations
which may be documented and reported. |
CDC Definition of "Up To Date" COVID-19 Immunizations:
Modified the program code to tally workers as "up to date" if they have received
one dose of the updated Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, or (if they have not been vaccinated
previously and wish to receive Novavax) two doses of the Novavax vaccine. |
Data-Access Auditing:
Modified the process for auditing any individual User's access to, or modification of, any
worker's demographic or clinical records. |
Modification of Data-Access Privileges:
Expanded the tracking of instances in which the data-access privileges of an individual
Authorized User were created, modified, deleted, or restored. |
Data-Access Auditing::
Added the ability to track and report which audits were performed, when, and by whom. |
Build 5.23r
(1 October 2023) |
Flu Questionnaire/Consent Forms:
Updated the Form in the Employee Portal to align with the 2023-24 immunization season. |
Surveillance Exemption:
Added the ability to document a past expiration date of workplace-absence exemptions for
flu vaccines. Previously, it was only possible to document future expiration dates. |
EMR Menuing:
At the recommendation of several users, rearranged the sequence of documentation and reporting
functions available in the EMR to make the hierarchy of functions more intuitive. |
Build 5.23q
(16 September 2023) |
Error Correction:
Resolved one minor user-reported error in documentation of a specific vaccine. |
EMR Summary:
Expanded the options for printing a summary of a worker's EMR. Our goal is to enable printing
of all surveillance data in an EMR, in order to comply with federal regulations that a worker's
medical record be submitted to the federal records repository upon termination of employment.
(Submission of electronic copies is not yet available, and the repository has not accepted paper
copies for several years due to insufficient storage space -- but the requirement nevertheless
exists.) |
Build 5.23n
(17 July 2023) |
Hepatatitis B Clinical Status Report:
Revised the Report to ensure correct reporting of vaccines for which no brand or manufacturer was
documented. |
Build 5.23m
(10 July 2023) |
NHSN COVID-19 TDAP "Who's Due" Roster:
Updated program code to ensure Boostrix immunizations were correctly tallied. |
Build 5.23k
(18 May 2023) |
NHSN COVID-19 Weekly Immunization Summary:
Reconfigured the summary to comply with the most recent NHSN format. |
NHSN Flu Immunization Summary:
Reconfigured the summary to account for workers who were present during the immunization season
but have since left the workforce, and whose immunization status is unknown. |
Build 5.23j
(5 May 2023) |
Flu Immuization Questionnaire/Consent Form:
Added a separate menu item to enable printing a blank flu Questionnaire/Consent form from within MediTrax. |
Build 5.23h
(22 April 2023) |
Business Summary in Provider-Based Clinics:
Resolved an error which occasionally occurred when printing a Business Account Summary. |
Build 5.23g
(27 February 2023) |
COVID-19 NHSN summary:
Adjusted report totals to correctly tally workers who declined a second or subsequent dose
after receiving at least one dose of vaccine. |
Build 5.23f
(2 February 2023) |
Clinical Status Rosters:
Enabled the option to print Clinical Notes contained in a Worker's record. |
Employee Picklist:
Implemented drop-down filters to limit the display to workers at a single Employer, Department,
or Job Title. |
"Sick Call" Tracking:
Enabled printout of the Sick Call Roster. |
Build 5.23e
(20 January 2023) |
Pop-up Calendars:
Calendars will no longer default to a blank year and day, but instead to the current date. |
Respirator Clearance/Fit Test "Who's Due" Roster:
Revised the Roster to ensure Workers who are EXEMPT: ABSENT FROM WORKPLACE or for whom RESPIRATOR USE NOT REQUIRED
has been documented are not listed on this Roster. |
Workers with no Hire Date:
MediTrax now asks whether you wish to include individuals who have not yet begun work in
Status Rosters and "Who's Due" Rosters. |
Respirator Clearance/Fit Test Return Date:
Corrected the calculation of Retrain/Retest Dates to accurately reflect 3- and 6-month clearance
expiration dates. |
Build 5.23d
(14 January 2023) |
Documentation of Sick Leave and
"Sick Call": Revised the search and documentation options to separate "Sick Call" cases
(absence for a single day) from Sick Leave cases (absence for multiple days). |
Respirator Clearance/Fit Testing "Who's Due"
Roster: Adjusted the Roster to classify EXEMPT Workers and those with RESPIRATOR USE NOT REQUIRED
in their history as policy-compliant and not due for re-evaluation. |
Novavax Vaccine: Added this vaccine
to the roster of selectable immunizations. |
Main Menu Redesign:
In response to several user suggestions, we began testing of a DRAFT revision of the Main Menu
display. Users are welcome to download the draft revision (in a ZIP file) from
Click on the downloaded file to extract its content into your MediTrax Training folder.
The name of the executable program is MT6.EXE, and the Build number is 6.01.
In this revision, the default term for health care workers has been changed from "Employees"
to "Workers", in order to better reflect the fact that records for many non-employee
cohorts (contractors, volunteers, students, licensed independent practitioners, etc. )
may be contained in MediTrax data tables.
NOTE: This executable will NOT change the structure of any MediTrax data tables, and you
may continue to use the MT5.EXE executable as before. MT6 is simply a suggested
revision of the order in which items in the drop-down menu appear at the top of the screen.
You may create a separate desktop shortcut to MT6 in order to review this draft revision,
without deleting your existing shortcut to MediTrax Training.
Your comments are appreciated. |
Build 5.23c
(28 December 2022) |
Respirator Clearance/Fit Test Reports:
Adjusted reports to accommodate user-created duplicate and misnamed respirator models. |
Respirator Clearance/Fit Test Status Roster:
Updated the Roster to show EXEMPT or RESPIRATOR USE NOT REQUIRED in the last column,
whenever appropriate. |
Build 5.23b
(20 December 2022) |
"Who's Due" Rosters:
Revised the program code to correct the issue of "missing" Workers. |
Respirator Clearance/Fit Test Status Roster
and Worker Clearance/Fit Test History: Changed the display and printout to show expired
retest/retrain dates in red if the clearance has expired, or green if the clearance is current. |
Build 5.23a
(31 October 2022) |
"Sick Call" Cases:
Resolved inability to search "Sick Call" cases by Worker name. |
"Sick Call" Cases:
Removed the need to search for a Worker if reviewing or documenting a case from within the EMR. |
Build 5.22z
(29 September 2022) |
COVID-19 Bivalent Boosters:
Added bivalent vaccines to the roster of selectable immunizations. |
COVID-19 Bivalent Boosters:
Updated the EUA Fact Sheets to recently-released versions. |
COVID-19 NHSN Weekly Summary:
Updated the Summary to reflect the new CDC/NHSN criteria for "Up To Date" Workers. |
Smallpox/Monkeypox Vaccine:
Added the vaccine to the roster of selectable immunizations. |
Roster of Scanned Documents for One Worker:
Added the option to display scans by subject or by (inverse) date, and to search by subject. |
Build 5.22y
(19 August 2022) |
Onboarding Status:
Revised the default onboarding requirements to recognize TB Skin Tests applied within the past 120 days. |
Onboarding Status:
Revised the default onboarding status display to require flu immunization if the hire date falls
between July 1 and March 31. |
Respirator Fit Testing:
Enabled saving a fit test record if a fit testing date is documented for a non-PAPR/APR respirator. |
Error Correction:
Investigated and resolved an error reported by several users, occurring when displaying a worker's
fit testing record or documenting a new fit test. The error was due to a single mistyped keystroke
in the 5.22x build. |
Build 5.22x
(17 August 2022) |
Increased the number of selectable options to Male, Female, Trans Male,
Trans Female, Other, and Unknown. When creating a new worker record, the
Gender field will default to Unknown. |
Seasonal Flu Immunization:
Configured all screens and summary reports for documentation, tracking and reporting immunizations,
declinations, and exemptions for the 2022-2023 immunization season. |
Immunization Questionnaire/Consent Forms:
Expanded the list of forms which may be completed on the Employee Portal and later reviewed
in MediTrax. The list now includes COVID-19, Seasonal Flu, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, MMR,
Smallpox/Monkeypox, Td, Tdap, and Varicella/Chickenpox. |
"Sick Call" Summary:
Realigned the explanation of symptom codes at the bottom of each page. |
RTW Clearance:
Modified the program code to enable printing of a RTW clearance form after the date of notification
to HR or a Supervisor has been documented. |
Onboarding Status:
Modified the display to indicate completion of COVID-19 requirements if the worker has a medical
or religious exemption. |
Urine Drug Testing:
Enabled options to change the testing laboratory, courier, and MRO for a previously-defined
testing panel, even after specimens have been documented using that panel. The list of drug
metabolites may not be changed after specimens have been documented using a defined panel. |
Error Correction:
Investigated and resolved two minor user-reported errors in Builds 5.22v and 5.22w. |
Build 5.22w
(17 July 2022) |
NHSN COVID-19 Weekly Immunization Summary:
Reconfigured the summary to comply with the most recent NHSN format. |
Vaccine Lot Numbers:
Lot numbers for each vaccine are now stored in memory, enabling the user to select from a pop-up list of lot numbers when documenting an immunization. |
Employee Demographics:
Changed Employee gender options to Male / Female / Other / Unknown. |
Employee and Employer Demographics:
Modified the times when Scheduling/Registration Alert Messages for Employers and Employees will be displayed in a pop-up message. |
Employee and Employer Demographics:
Made multiple minor cosmetic realignments for Employee and Employer demographic data entry screens, to improve clarity. |
Combining (Merging) Employee demographic records: Implemented changes to ensure correct values are saved.
 - If the records being combined have different worker names, both names are displayed and the user may select which name to save.
 - If the records being combined have different Social Security numbers, both numbers are displayed and the user may select which number to save.
-  - If the records being combined have different home addresses, both addresses are displayed and the user may select which address to save.. |
Encounter Types (Visit Types):
Revised the format of the picklist for Encounter Types. |
Employer Demographics:
Added data fields for Post Office Boxes (POB) and Private Mail Boxes (PMB). |
Employer Demographics:
Added cell phone numbers for each Employer's Secondary Contacts. |
Options for Provider-Based Clinics:
Modified the display of billing preferences for each Employer. |
Error Correction:
Resolved two user-reported errors introduced in Build 5.22u. |
Build 5.22v
(15 May 2022) |
Respirator Clearance:
Deleted Seal Check and Fit Test data entry fields for PAPR mask training/fitting. |
Build 5.22u
(23 April 2022) |
Immunization Documentation:
Added Sinovac Coronavac to the list of vaccines which may be documented (this vaccine and
SinoPharm BIBP are approved by WHO but not by FDA). |
Immunization Documentation:
Added Bharat Covaxin to the list of vaccines which may be documented (this vaccine is
approved by WHO but not by FDA). |
Immunization Documentation:
Added Medicago Covifenz to the list of vaccines which may be documented (this vaccine is
not recognized by WHO or FDA, but is recognized by ACIP). |
Immunization Documentation:
Added COVID-19 (Product Unknown) to the list of vaccines which may be documented (this item
will not be counted in your COVID-19 immunization rosters). |
Immunization Documentation:
Revised the data entry screen to require selecting the vaccine manufacturer from a picklist,
rather than allowing free-text entry of the manufacturer. |
Scheduling Appointments:
Resolved an error which displayed Respirator Clearance/Fit Test appointments as Audiometry
appointments. |
Adding New Employees:
Resolved an error which bypassed the requirement to identify the employer for a new worker. |
OSHA 300A:
Added the option to identify the corporate executive whose name and job title should be printed
on the form. |
Build 5.22t
(14 April 2022) |
Incident Documentation:
Enabled seamless transition between data entry screens for injuries/exposures, BBP Exposures,
Sharps Incidents, and Case Management.
. |
Surveillance Exemptions:
Added the option to document an expiration date for any "Absence from Workplace"
exemptions (STD, LTD, LOA, etc.). |
Surveillance Exemptions:
Configured "Who's Due" rosters to ignore workers with current "Absence from
Workplace" exemptions. |
Employee Demographics:
Added the ability to change a worker's employer directly from the Demographic data entry
screen. |
Build 5.22s
(1 April 2022) |
Viewing Completed Questionnaire/Consent
Forms: If multiple forms (TB Questionnaire/Survey forms, COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent
forms, or Flu Questionnaire Consent forms) have been completed, the user is now given the option
to select which form should be displayed. |
Questionnaire/Consent Forms in the
Employee Portal: If multiple forms (TB Questionnaire/Survey forms, COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent
forms, or Flu Questionnaire Consent forms) have been completed, the worker is now given the
option to update a previously-completed form or to complete a new form. |
Surveillance Exemptions:
Added the option to document a date on which the exempt status will expire. |
Vaccination Exemption Request form:
Added a line where a reviewer may document the date on which the worker was notified whether
the request was granted. |
Onboarding Status:
Added COVID-19 Immunization to the default list of items which must be completed
before the individual is shown as "CLEARED TO BEGIN WORK". |
Synchronization of Incident-Reporting
Windows: Enabled users to switch seamlessly between the main Injury/Illness/Exposure
documentation window and the BBP Exposure, "Sharps" Incident, and Case Management
windows for any incident. |
COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheets:
Added all revised EUAs to the roster of documents which may be viewed and printed. |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization
Compliance Roster: In facilities where periodic testing is required for workers who are
not fully vaccinated, the wording of the Comments column has been changed from OVERDUE
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization
Compliance Roster:
Added the option to include each worker's job title when generating a report for a single
Employer (required by JCAHO/CMS auditors). |
Infectious Disease Screening/Clearance:
Added the worker's COVID-19 immunization status (Unvaccinated, Received Dose 1 of 2, Fully
Vaccinated, Received Booster, Exempt) to the Medical Evaluation & Followup section
of this EMR tab. |
Infectious Disease Screening/Clearance:
Added the ability to document the date of onset of symptoms, as required by OSHA's COVID-19
Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS), in the Medical Evaluation & Followup section of this
tab of the EMR, as well as to '. |
COVID-19 Vaccines:
Added SinoPharm BBIP to the list of vaccinations which may be documented. |
Error Correction:
Resolved two user-reported errors introduced in Build 5.22q. |
Build 5.22r
(22 March 2022) |
Surveillance Exemptions::
Revised the wording of exemption events. Flu Vaccine Exemption (STD, LTD, leave,
etc.) has been revised to include all surveillance events including
immunizations, testing, respirator clearances, etc.. The event is now entitled
Exempt from Surveillance (Absent from workplace). |
Surveillance Exemptions:
Modified the data analysis formula when creating "Who's Due" rosters and other
surveillance-status and -compliance reports, so workers with documented absence from the
workplace (STD, LTD, military leave, working remotely, etc., will not appear on those
rosters and reports. |
Surveillance Exemptions:
Modified the data analysis formula when creating "Who's Due" rosters and other
surveillance-status and -compliance reports. Exemptions beginning more than one year ago
are ignored. |
Surveillance Exemptions:
Added the option to exclude individuals who no longer work in the facility, or who have not
yet begun work ( who have no documented hire date), from worker rosters and from
surveillance-status and -compliance reports. |
Onboarding Status:
Modified the availability of the Onboarding Status display to include all workers
with no documented hire date, or with a hire date in the past 180 days. This display may be
accessed in the Current Status tab in each worker's EMR. |
Build 5.22q
(10 March 2022) |
COVID-19 Exemption Roster:
Added this report, listing all workers with medical or religious exemptions, to the Infectious
Disease Surveillance menu. |
COVID-19 NHSN Weekly Summary:
Added the option to filter the summary by selecting specific departments to include or
exclude. |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization Compliance
Modified the roster to correctly identify workers on short-term or long-term leave as "policy
compliant". |
Employee Portal:
Added links to print Flu Declination and Vaccination Exemption Request forms. |
Employee Portal:
Added a link to display the date and details of the most recent Respirator Clearance/Fit Test,
together with the date by which fit testing should be repeated. |
Infectious Disease Surveillance Events:
Changed the Flu Vaccination - NHSN Exempt (LTD/STD/Leave/etc.) status wording to
Vaccination - NHSN Exempt (LTD/STD/Leave/etc.) |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Modified the structure of the HL7 file to accommodate minor variations from CDC-approved standards in
two states. |
COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheets:
Added all revised EUAs to the roster of documents which may be viewed and printed. |
Respirator Clearance/Fit Testing Rosters:
Modified the reporting algorithm to ensure all workers with clearances and exemptions are
correctly displayed. |
Error Correction:
Resolved two user-reported errors introduced in Build 5.22n. |
Build 5.22p
(8 February 2022) |
COVID-19 Screening:
Modified the option for displaying previously-documented screenings to enable selection of
a specific screening when multiple previous screenings have been documented. |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization Compliance Summary:
Added a pop-up question asking whether booster immunization is mandatory for policy compliance. |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization Compliance Summary:
Added a column to the summary to display the date of booster immunization. |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization Compliance Summary:
Modified the sequence of questions used to determine each worker's status:
First Question: Did the worker receive full immunization as required by the policy (which
may include a requirement for booster immunization)? If so, the worker will not show up on the
Report. MediTrax ignores all documented declinations and exemptions because
the worker has complied with the policy. MediTrax then skips the remaining questions.
Second Question: If the worker did NOT receive the full immunization required, did he/she begin
the immunization series?
- First option: If a worker got one or more shots but was then given a medical exemption for the
remaining shots (perhaps because of a severe allergic response to the first dose?), he/she IS policy-compliant
and the word EXEMPT will appear in the Comments column. If periodic testing is required for all
workers who are not fully vaccinated, the words HAS CURRENT TITER or OVERDUE FOR TITER
(whichever is appropriate) will appear in the Comments column. MediTrax then skips the remaining questions.
- Second option: If a worker got one or more shots but then declined a mandatory booster, he/she
is NOT policy compliant and HR/management may take whatever steps are outlined in the policy. The comments
column will also include the words NOT FULLY IMMUNIZED (HR/managment doesn't need to know whether the worker declined
the vaccine, or simply never showed up -- in either case, he/she has not complied with the policy).
If periodic testing is required for all
workers who are not fully vaccinated, the words HAS CURRENT TITER or OVERDUE FOR TITER
(whichever is appropriate) will appear in the Comments column. MediTrax then skips the remaining questions.
- Third option: If the worker began the immunization process but simply has not completed it, the
Comments column will include the words NEEDS SECOND SHOT (or, if a booster shot is required by the policy,
If periodic testing is required for all
workers who are not fully vaccinated, the words HAS CURRENT TITER or OVERDUE FOR TITER
(whichever is appropriate) will also appear in the Comments column. MediTrax then skips the remaining questions.
Third Question: If the worker never received any vaccine doses, does he/she have a medical or religious exemption?
- First option: If the worker has a medical or religious exemption, the Comments column will include the word EXEMPT.
- Second option: If the worker is not exempt, the words NOT FULLY IMMUNIZED will appear in the comments column.
Again, HR/managment doesn't need to know whether the worker declined the vaccine, or simply never showed up
-- in either case, he/she has not complied with the policy.
If periodic testing is required for all
workers who are not fully vaccinated, the words HAS CURRENT TITER or OVERDUE FOR TITER
(whichever is appropriate) will also appear in the Comments column. MediTrax then skips the remaining questions.
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster:
Added columns indicating the date(s) and result(s) of "At-home" Rapid Antigen Tests,
and the date(s) of booster immunizations. |
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster:
Added the date(s) of vaccine declination(s) to the Immunizations line of each worker's status. |
Vaccinations/Infectious Disease Surveillance:
Added COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Rapid Antigen Test to the list of events which may be documented. |
Software Updates:
Added a pop-up message which displays at the end of the update process to indicate the process is complete. |
NHSN COVID-19 Weekly Summary:
Modified the tallying of events in each category of the Summary to ensure the totals in Question 1
correspond exactly to the totals in Questions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.99, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.
This change accounts for discrepancies which could previously have arisen when a worker received
one or more doses of vaccine but then declined further doses, or when a worker received one or
more doses of vaccine but was then given a medical exemption from further doses (perhaps because
of a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine?), or when a worker who was given a medical exemption
was also documented to have declined the vaccine. |
Error Correction:
Resolved a user-reported error introduced in Build 5.22n. |
Build 5.22n
(4 February 2022) |
CDC Vaccine Information Statements:
Added the new VIS documents for Pneumococcal Conjugate and Recombinant Zoster (Shingles) Vaccines. |
Appointment Scheduling:
Enabled the display of specific infectious-disease surveillance appointments on the Daily Office
Schedule and in the worker's EMR. Previously, those were all displayed simply as EMPLOYER-REQUESTED
Build 5.22m
(20 January 2022) |
Error Correction:
Resolved two user-reported errors introduced in Build 5.22h and 5.22j. |
Build 5.22k
(11 January 2022) |
Respirator Clearance:
Modified the display of the HCW's clearance/fit test history to eliminate the incorrect
name of a respirator type when no fit test was performed (i.e., when just the
date of the OSHA Respirator User Questionnaire was documented). |
Build 5.22j
(2 January 2022) |
Pop-Up Help File:
Updated the content of the Help file to include additional information about infectious
disease surveillance and reporting (including COVID-19 tracking). This file, named
meditrax.chm, must be copied to your C:\MTHELP folder in order to be viewed. |
Users with no PHI access:
Modified the Main Menu options to enable Authorized Users with no PHI access to utilize
additional functions in which Protected Health Information is not viewed ("Who's Due"
rosters, State Immunization Registry reporting, database access audits, etc.).
In compliance with HIPAA regulations regarding the privacy of Protected Health Information,
authorized MediTrax users with HR or IT/IS access privileges may utilize most program functions
which do not involve viewing or editing PHI. |
Error Correction:
Resolved an error which occurred in certain circumstances when documenting color vision screening. |
Build 5.22h
(29 December 2021) |
NHSN COVID-19 Weekly Immunization Report:
Modified the report to accurately reflect the totals of workers who received a series of shots
from one manufacturer, but a booster immunization from another manufacturer. The totals in
Category 1 now equal the subtotals in Categories 2 and 3 exactly. |
COVID-19 Workplace Status Report:
Modified the report to include the number of workers with medical exemptions. |
COVID Mandatory Immunization
Compliance Roster:
Added a summary line at the end of the roster indicating the number and percentage of HCWs
with medical or religious exemptions. |
Color Vision Screening:
Modified the program code to enable correct display of previously-documented tests and their
interpretation. Previously, interpretations (results) were sometimes inaccurate owing to the
different scopes utilized by the Ishihara and Neitz tests. |
State Vaccine Immunization Registry
Modified the MSH-10 segment to eliminate non-alphanumeric characters (which caused rejection of
the HL7 file in some states). |
Seasonal Flu "Who's Due"
Modified the roster to ensure that individuals with medical or religious exemptions are not
listed. |
Build 5.22g
(9 December 2021) |
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster:
Modified the printout to show medical and religious exemptions. |
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster:
Modified the last page of the printout to list the total number of individuals with partial
immunization, full vaccination, booster immunizations, and exemptions. |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization
Compliance Roster:
Modified the printout to identify individuals with medical and religious exemptions. |
Build 5.22f
(24 November 2021) |
Respirator Fit Test History:
Added a menu option to the Employee Portal, enabling a worker to view his/her current respirator
clearance status and most recent fit test, as well as the due date of his/her next fit test. |
Color Vision Screening:
Resolved an error which occasionally caused the documentation screens to be inaccessible. |
Invoice Balances (for clinics which
bill for their services):
Updated the display of service charges to ensure all invoiced items are visible. |
Build 5.22e
(15 November 2021) |
Seasonal Flu Declination:
Added an option to the Employee Portal, enabling individuals to print a copy of the Flu
Declination Form to be completed by hand and delivered in person to Employee Health staff. |
Drug Testing / Reporting MRO Verification:
Added an option to the TPA/DER Reporting function, enabling documentation of personal
delivery of test results to specific individuals. |
Error Correction:
Corrected the internal code for Seasonal Flu immunization with Fluzone High-Dose vaccine,
to ensure the event is displayed correctly in the Employee's EMR. |
Build 5.22d
(2 November 2021) |
Seasonal Flu Questionnaire/Consent Forms:
Selecting the Flu Vaccine Questionnaire and Consent option in the Employee Portal now looks
for previously-completed forms. The worker is given the option to update the previously-completed
form, or to complete a new form. |
Seasonal Flu Questionnaire/Consent Forms:
Selecting the Complete an Employee's Flu Questionnaire/Consent Form menu option now looks
for previously-completed forms. The user is given the option to update the previously-completed
form, or to complete a new form. |
Seasonal Flu Questionnaire/Consent Forms:
Selecting the View a Completed Flu Questionnaire/Consent Form menu option now looks
for previously-completed forms. If any such forms exist, the user is given the option to
select a specific form to view |
Scheduling Employee Evaluations:
Users with no access to PHI are now given the option to specify which type of evaluation they
wish to schedule. |
Build 5.22c
(18 October 2022) |
COVID-19 Reports:
The Clinical Status Roster, Workforce Status Report, and NHSN Weekly Vaccination Summary have all
been revised to include reporting of employees who have received booster injections of
COVID-19 vaccine (whether or not the booster is the same brand as the original vaccine series). |
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster - Excel:
Added a column listing immunizations (shots) to the spreadsheet. |
Build 5.22b
(13 October 2021) |
COVID-19 Reporting to NHSN:
Added the ability to generate an NHSN COVID-19 Weekly Vaccination Cumulative Summary. The Summary
may be printed using the September 2021 NHSN form, or it may be stored as a .CSV file for
electronic uploading to NHSN. |
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster:
Added the option to generate this roster as an Excel spreadsheet. |
Respirator Fit Test/Clearance Roster:
Revised to enable reporting of the OSHA Questionnaire completion date, even if no fit testing
was performed. |
Error Correction:
When the COVID-19 Workforce Status Report was separated by Department, the number of Employees
in each Department was previously understated by 1. |
Error Correction:
The issue date of the Seasonal Influenza VIS was shown as 8/9/21 on the Flu Questionnaire/Consent
Form for 2021-2022. It has been corrected to show 8/6/21. |
Build 5.22a
(6 October 2021) |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Modified the content of the HL7 file generated by MediTrax, to accommodate the reporting
requirements of two state registries which do not follow CDC HL7 coding guidelines. |
Error Correction:
Resolved an error which (incorrectly) indicated that the Seasonal Flu Consent/Questionnaire
Form had not been configured for the 2021-2022 immunization season. |
Error Correction:
Resolved an error which occurred in certain circumstances when printing the MRO report of a
drug test result. |
Build 5.21z
(28 September 2021) |
Vaccine Administration:
Modified the program code to enable an alphabetic search for the individual or entity
administering a vaccine. |
High-Dose Influenza Vaccine Alert:
When documenting a seasonal flu immunization with non-high-dose vaccine for an individual
65+ years of age, MediTrax displays a reminder that the individual should receive high-dose
vaccine. The message will no longer appear for individuals whose DOB has not been documented. |
Build 5.21y
(21 September 2021) |
Respirator Clearance/Fit Testing "Who's
Due" Roster: Implemented a new filter to eliminate workers from the Roster if their
clearance status is shown as RESPIRATOR USE NOT REQUIRED or EXEMPT. |
Build 5.21x
(4 September 2021) |
Daily Office Schedule:
Modified the display of individual appointments for users with no access to PHI, so the reason for
non-Employer-requested appointments is shown as "CONFIDENTIAL". |
Build 5.21w
(30 August 2021) |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization Roster:
Added the option to specify whether periodic testing (titers or PCR) is required for non-immunized
individuals, and if so the frequency of that testing. |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Reconfigured the content of the HL7 file to comply with the revised CDC format for home and office
telephone numbers. |
Error Correction:
Resolved an error which occasionally occurred when documenting group immunizations. |
Build 5.21v
(23 August 2021) |
PHI Access by non-clinical users:
Modified the MediTrax main menu options to prevent access to PHI by non-clinicians (e.g.,
IT or Human Resources staff, management/administration/supervisors). |
Office Schedule Customization:
Added the option to format the schedule display in 30-minute blocks. |
Color Vision Screening Compliance :
Corrected an error which displayed incorrect Department information for listed Employes. |
Build 5.21u
(18 August 2021) |
COVID-19 Mandatory Immunization
Compliance Roster:
Added a report which enables tracking of vaccinated/unvaccinated Employees, together with
the date and result of most recent testing for Employees who are not fully vaccinated.
The Roster may be generated by selecting EMR/Surveillance |
Infectious Disease Surveillance | COVID-19 Surveillance | Mandatory Immunization
Compliance Roster. The Roster may be configured to display only unvaccinated
The report may be generated for
- One Employer
- One Department
- One Cost Center
- One Division
- One Surveillance Group
- One Supervisor/Department Head
- All workers in the database (employees, contractors, students, LIPs, etc.) |
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster:
For Employees who declined immunization, the Roster now indicates the date of declination. |
Build 5.21t
(9 August 2021) |
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster:
Added a report which enables compliance with the recent OSHA ETS mandate. The Roster may be
printed to paper or a .PDF document, or exported to Excel.
The updated report may be generated by selecting EMR/Surveillance |
Infectious Disease Surveillance | COVID-19 Surveillance | Clinical Status Roster.
The report may be generated for
- One Employer
- One Department
- One Cost Center
- One Surveillance Group
- All workers in the database (employees, contractors, students, LIPs, etc.)
Within the selected population, the scope of the report may be limited to
- Screened employees
- Unscreened employees
- Exposed employees
- Tested employees
- Untested employees
- Test-positive employees
- Symptomatic employees
- Vaccinated employees
- All employees
For each worker listed in the report, MediTrax will display
- The worker's name
- The worker's Job Title (if the report is for one Department, or if the report is for one Employer and it is subdivided by Department)
- The worker's Department
- Date of screening (if appropriate) and (optionally) screening notes
- Type of exposure (if appropriate)
- Symptoms (if appropriate)
- Risk Category
- Date(s) and result(s) of Rapid IgM/IgG testing (if appropriate)
- Date(s) and result(s) of ELISA IgG testing (if appropriate)
- Date(s) and result(s) of RT-PCR testing (if appropriate)
- Current work status
- Date(s) and type of immunization (if appropriate)
This Report contains PHI, so it may not be released to management/administration/supervisors
without a signed HIPAA waiver from each worker listed in the Report.
Workforce Status Report:
Added a report which displays COVID-19 immunization statistics. The updated
report may be generated by selecting EMR/Surveillance | Infectious
Disease Surveillance | COVID-19 Surveillance | Workforce Status Report.
This Report may be generated for
- One Employer
- One Department
- One Cost Center
- All workers in the database (employees, contractors, students, LIPs, etc.)
The Report for a single Employer may be subdivided by Department or Cost Center. The Report displays
- the total number of workers in the selected population(s)
- the number and percentage of unvaccinated workers
- the number and percentage of workers who have received one dose of two-dose vaccines
- the number and percentage of fully vaccinated workers
- the number and percentage of workers vaccinated at your facility
- the number and percentage of workers vaccinated by "outside" agencies or individuals
- the number of vaccinations given at your facility in the past 7 days
This Report does not contain any PHI, so it may be distributed to management/administration/supervisors
without a HIPAA waiver. |
Build 5.21s
(20 July 2021) |
Seasonal Influenza Immunization:
Updated the parameters of documentation to enable tracking for 2021-2022. |
Merging Employee Records:
Added the option, when merging records from an individual with multiple employers, to
combine the records so the individual is shown with only a single employer. |
Build 5.21r
(16 June 2021) |
Exporting a Data Table to Excel:
Added the option to export the raw content of any individual data table to a spreadsheet. |
Build 5.21q
(16 May 2021) |
Immunization Certificate:
Added the option to print an Immunization Certificate when documenting any vaccination. |
Build 5.21p
(29 April 2021) |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Modified the format of the MediTrax HL7 file to accommodate anomalies in reporting requirements
for CA, OR and WA. |
Build 5.21n
(5 April 2021) |
COVID-19 Workforce Status Report:
Build 5.21m
(25 March 2021) |
Employee Roster - Export to Excel:
Added columns for home and cell phone to the exported spreadsheet. |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Resolved a 5.21k error which occasionally failed to include non-COVID vaccinations in an HL7 file. |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Added the option to ignore immunizations administered "outside" when creating HL7
files. |
Build 5.21k
(15 March 2021) |
LetoDB Database Engine:
Continued in-house testing of the open-source LetoDB database server to see if it can significantly
speed program performance in facilities with dozens of simultaneous MediTrax users.
NOTE: Only MediTrax beta-test users were notified of this update. |
Build 5.21j
(2 March 2021) |
COVID-19 Vaccination:
Added the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine to the roster of infectious-disease surveillance
events which may be documented in an Employee's EMR. |
COVID-19 Vaccination:
Added the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen EUA Fact Sheet to the roster of CDC Vaccine Information
Summaries which may be viewed in MediTrax.
Employer Picklist:
Modified the program code to ensure the display order updates correctly when the user switches
from Display by: Name to Display by: Code. |
Authorized Information Release:
Added the option to document releases of information from a worker's medical record. |
Vision Screening:
Restored the menu option to document and report visual acuity and color-vision screening. |
Build 5.21h
(25 February 2021) |
COVID-19 State Immunization Registry
Modified the reporting algorithm to insert the facility's address in the HL7 file if the home
address of the employee has not been documented. |
COVID-19 Workforce Status Report:
Corrected a "bug" which occasionally failed to document the facility in which a
vaccination was administered (affects only multi-facility configurations). |
Build 5.21g
(17 February 2021) |
LetoDB Database Engine:
Began in-house testing of the open-source LetoDB database server to see if it can significantly
speed program performance in facilities with dozens of simultaneous MediTrax users.
NOTE: Only MediTrax beta-test users were notified of this update. |
Build 5.21f
(11 February 2021) |
COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent Form:
Modified the process for updating the questions asked on the form, to ensure all current
questions are saved and displayed correctly. |
Build 5.21e
(2 February 2021) |
Influenza Titers:
Added Influenza A Viral RNA and Influenza B Viral RNA to the list of titers
which may be documented. |
Employee Rosters:
Added a column for gender to MediTrax-generated spreadsheets. |
LetoDB Database Engine:
Began in-house testing of the open-source LetoDB database server to see if it can significantly
speed program performance in facilities with dozens of simultaneous MediTrax users. |
Build 5.21d
(27 January 2021) |
COVID-19 Immunization Documentation:
Implemented drop-down menus for multi-facility systems, enabling more efficient documentation of
vaccination of workers at various facilities. |
Vaccine Administrators:
Eliminated the ability of individual users to "free-text" the name of the individual
or facility administering the vaccine, to eliminate misspellings and duplicate entries (e.g.,
RHONDA SMITH, RHONDA SMITH RN, RONDA SMITHE). Users must now select the individual or facility from a
pop-up menu, and the menu items may only be edited by MediTrax Administrators. |
Build 5.21c
(20 January 2021) |
COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster:
Updated the roster to ensure all doses of vaccine were shown for each individual worker. |
COVID-19 Workforce Status Report:
Implemented minor changes in the format of the report. |
Build 5.21b
(13 January 2021) |
COVID-19 Workforce Status Report:
Created a report which summarizes the number of workers in each NHSN category who received
two doses of vaccine, or received one dose of vaccine, or have received no vaccine. The report
tallies the number of workers in each category who were vaccinated "in-house" and
those who were vaccinated "elsewhere". It also tallies the number of individual
vaccine doses given in the past 7 days.
This report was created in response to reporting demands issued as an afterthought
by some state immunization registries. (The requirements were announced on a weekday, with
reporting required the following day--oblivious to the tedious manual "bean counting"
and staffing disruption required of Employee Health staff.) |
COVID-19 Immunization Reporting:
Added optional HL7 filters for MediTrax users in multi-facility systems to limit the scope of
immunizations to those administered at a single facility, in response to last-minute demands
by state immunization registries. |
Comprehensive Immunization/Titer/Test
Spreadsheet: Added a column for the birthdate of each worker. |
Error Correction:
Resolved an issue which occasionally duplicated vaccine values from one event to the next,
or replaced values in previously-documented events. |
Build 5.21a
(2 January 2021) |
COVID-19 Immunization:
Implemented a series of user-requested "tweaks" in HL7 reporting to accommodate
last-minute changes in reporting requirements mandated by various state immunization registries. |
Immunization Documentation && Reporting:
Modified data-entry filters to help prevent duplicate documentation of the same event. |
COVID-19-Related ICD10 Codes:
Added the following ICD10 codes which the CDC released effective January 1:
- Encounter for screening for COVID-19 (Z11.52)
- Contact with and (suspected) exposure to COVID-19 (Z20.822)
- Personal history of COVID-19 (Z86.16)
- Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) (M35.81)
- Other specified systemic involvement of connective tissue (M35.89)
- Pneumonia due to coronavirus disease 2019 (J12.82) |
Build 5.20z
(30 December 2020) |
Vaccine Administration:
Reconfigured the "Given by" field to eliminate free-text entry of individuals or
entities administering a vaccine. The identity of the individual or entity must now be
selected from a submenu, and only MediTrax administrators can edit the submenu. |
High-Dose Flu Vaccination:
Resolved an error which failed to correctly calculate the age of a vaccine recipient, causing
a pop-up message to indicate that most recipients should be given high-dose vaccine. |
COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent Form:
Resolved an error which asked which questions should appear on the Form each time a worker
opened the Form in the Employee Portal. |
Build 5.20y
(23 December 2020) |
COVID-19 Immunization Certificate:
Modified the Certificate to include additional information from the CDC-approved Vaccination
Record card, and added the CDC logo to the top of the Certificate. |
COVID-19 Immunization Certificate:
For initial injections, added a reminder to the Certificate showing the date range when the
second injection is due as well as information about enrolling in the CDC's free VaxText
reminder program. |
COVID-19 Immunization Certificate:
For followup injections, added the date on which the first injection was given. |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Made further modifications to the format of HL7 fields to enable accurate reporting in a wider
variety of states which do not use the CDC standard format for HL7 files). |
Build 5.20x
(21 December 2020) |
COVID-19 Immunization:
Added a COVID-19 Immunization Clinic function (similar to the Group Immunization - Flu
function for seasonal influenza. |
Error Correction:
Resolved two printed lines overlapping each other in the COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent Form. |
Error Correction:
Resolved the issue of termination dates not appearing as blank when deleted by a user. |
Error Correction:
Resolved all errors reported by users to date. |
Build 5.20w
(16 December 2020) |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Made further modifications to the format of HL7 fields to enable accurate reporting in a wider
variety of states which do not use the CDC standard format for HL7 files). |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Implemented several "workarounds" to enable registry acceptance of immunization
records when the employee's phone number and/or payroll ID number were not
documented at the time of immunization (this usually occurred when job applicants were
vaccinated prior to obtaining these data elements from HR). |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Implemented a pop-up alert message which lists individuals whose DOB and/or home address were not
documented at the time of immunization (this usually occurred when job applicants were
vaccinated prior to obtaining these data elements from HR). |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Implemented several "workarounds" to enable registry acceptance of immunization
records when the brand, manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine were not documented
at the time of vaccination (this usually occurred when "generic" vaccines were
selected from the list of available vaccines). |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Implemented a "workaround" to avoid MediTrax error messages which were encountered
while generating HL7 files for multiple immunizations when one or more of the immunization
records lacked essential information about the vaccine or the recipient. |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Added the option to select whether you wish to generate an HL7 file for flu vaccines only,
for COVID-19 vaccines only, or for all vaccines administered during the timespan you select. |
COVID-19 Immunization:
Added the Pfizer
COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet to the roster of Vaccine Information Statements available
in MediTrax as well as in the Employee Portal. At this time, it appears CDC will not be
issuing a Vaccine Information Statement for COVID-19 vaccines in the near future. |
Build 5.20v
(15 December 2020) |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Made further modifications to the format of HL7 fields to enable accurate reporting in a wider
variety of states which do not use the CDC standard format for HL7 files. |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Implemented a "workaround" to enable registry acceptance of immunization
records in states which require that the race of each vaccine recipient must be reported in
each HL7 file uploaded to the registry. |
State Immunization Registry Reporting:
Added the option to generate an HL7 file for one individual immunization at the time the
immunization is being documented in an employee's EMR. |
Build 5.20u
(11 December 2020) |
COVID-19 Immunization:
Added the COVID-19 vaccines to the roster of immunizations which may be documented. We added
Vaccine A (Pfizer ultracold) and Vaccine B (Moderna) to the roster. |
COVID-19 Immunization:
We plan to add any new COVID-19 Vaccine Information Statement to the list of viewable VISs,
but at this time, it appears that no VIS is planned. The FDA is reportedly developing a
COVID-19 EUA Fact Sheet, but it is not yet available to the public. |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Added a COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent Form to the roster of forms which may be completed
on-screen in MediTrax and in the Employee Portal. |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Modified the format of the Clinical Status Roster to display all titer results. |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Added the display of immunizations to the COVID-19 Clinical Status Roster. |
COVID-19 Contact Tracing:
Added the ability to create a roster of coworkers who were in contact with a titer-positive
individual. This is available in the Case Management Notes section of the Infectious Disease
Screening/Clearance tab of the worker's EMR. |
COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent Form:
Modified the "default" questions to include:
Do you have a fever (temperature > 100.4°), or are you sick today (anything more than a "cold")?
Have you ever had a severe allergic reaction?
Are you pregnant or lactating, or do you plan to become pregnant in the next month?
As with other MediTrax questionnaire/consent forms, the wording of individual questions
may be modified by authorized users. |
COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent Form:
Added the ability to fill out the form on-screen when documenting an immunization. |
Reporting to State Immunization Registries:
Modified the format of HL7 files to accommodate non-standard reporting fields required in various states. |
Build 5.20t
(2 December 2020) |
COVID-19 Contact Tracing:
Added the ability to create a roster of coworkers who were in contact with a titer-positive
individual. This is available in the Case Management Notes section of the Infectious
Disease Screening/Clearance tab of the worker's EMR. |
Build 5.20s
(26 November 2020) |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Modified the format of the Clinical Status Roster to display all titer results. |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Added a COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent Form to the roster of forms which may be completed
on-screen in MediTrax and in the Employee Portal. |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Added the display of immunizations to the Clinical Status Roster (vaccines are not yet
licensed for use by the FDA as of this date).
NOTE: We plan to add the COVID-19 vaccine(s) to the
roster of immunizations which may be documented as soon as the FDA approves any vaccine(s)
for use in the U.S. We also plan to add any new COVID-19 Vaccine Information Statement to
the list of viewable VISs, if and when the CDC is able to develop a VIS. |
Multi-Vaccine Questionnaire/Consent
Forms: Added the ability to fill out the form on-screen when documenting immunization
with Hepatitis B, Varicella, MMR, Td, Tdap, or Influenza vaccines. |
Vaccine Roster:
Added Fluad Quadrivalent Flu Vaccine to the roster of immunizations which may be
documented. |
High-Dose Flu Vaccine:
Added the option to designate an employee as eligible for high-dose or adjuvenated flu
vaccine. If a user attempts to document another type of flu vaccine, MediTrax will display
a pop-up reminder that the employee should receive the high-dose vaccine. |
State Immunization Registry
Reporting: Modified the sequence of HL7 fields to enable accurate reporting in a wider
variety of states (not all state registries use the CDC standard format for HL7 files). |
Bloodborne Pathogen Post-Exposure
Followup: Added the ability to complete the Healthcare Professional's Post-Exposure
Opinion Form on-screen. |
Bloodborne Pathogen Post-Exposure
Followup: Added a link to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Incidents Fact Sheet. |
TB Survey:
Added the option to select ABN when documenting survey results. |
Error Correction:
Resolved two user-reported error messages. |
Build 5.20r
(31 October 2020) |
Part-Time/On-Call Clinical Staff:
Modified the data-entry screen for clinical staff members to enable documenting scheduled
workdays by clicking the Schedule button. |
Employee Roster:
Modified the format of the Roster to add the option to include the DOB as a data element.
Added a column for DOB to the Roster when exporting to a spreadsheet. |
"Who's-Due" Rosters:
Added the option to generate rosters for a selected Supervisor. |
Demographic Data Import:
Modified the program code to reduce the odds of creating duplicate records for a single
Employee when the individual works at multiple locations and the HR/Payroll database does
not indicate a termination date at any of those locations. |
Merging Demographic Records:
Modified the program code to resolve the inability to merge records in certain circumstances. |
Build 5.20q
(20 October 2020) |
Searchable Picklists:
Removed two duplicate steps from the internal process of searching for records, in an effort
to streamline and speed searches. |
"Sick Call" Events:
Added the option to delete an event which was previously entered in error. |
Software Updates:
Added a Fast-Install Download link to the MediTrax website to speed the update
process for users who have already installed recent releases. |
Build 5.20p
(12 October 2020) |
COVID-19 ICD10 Code:
Added the following code which the CDC released effective October 1:
- COVID-19 (U07.1) |
Employee Portal Synchronization:
Restricted the menu options which allow users to configure or synchronize the Employee Portal: those menu
options are now available only to Users with MediTrax Administrator privileges. |
Employee Portal Synchronization:
Modified the program code to streamline the synchronization process. |
Build 5.20n
(25 September 2020) |
TB Surveillance:
Added the option to designate a worker as TB Compliance Exempt to avoid listing the
individual on "Who's Due" rosters. |
Error Correction:
Investigated and resolved a Build 5.20h error message reported by a MediTrax user. |
Build 5.20m
(15 September 2020) |
Immunization Picklist:
Added Fluzone high-dose quadrivalent IIV4 to the roster of selectable vaccines. |
Build 5.20k
(7 September 2020) |
Flu Immunization NHSN Roster:
Modified the report header to correctly categorize individuals who were vaccinated prior to the
beginning of the NHSN reporting period for the current year. |
Build 5.20j
(27 August 2020) |
Employee Portal:
Modified the program code to resolve an issue in which the names of some Employees were
displayed as foreign characters when completing flu questionnaires and consent forms. |
Build 5.20h
(20 August 2020) |
Portal Synchronization:
Modified the program code to eliminate the possibility of creating duplicate TB Questionnaire
event records in an Employee's EMR. |
Social Security Numbers:
Updated the error-checking process to allow entry of all location-based numeric prefixes currently
authorized by the Social Security Administration. |
Software Updates:
Added the option to download a "Fast-Install" version of the most recent software build
to shorten the time required to complete a software update. |
Build 5.20g
(10 August 2020) |
Seasonal Flu Immunizations:
Implemented seasonal flu documentation and reporting functionality for the 2020-2021 flu
immunization season. |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Added the ability to specify the filter used to generate the Clinical Status Roster:
- Screened Employees
- Unscreened Employees
- Exposed Employees
- Tested Employees
- Untested Employees
- Test-Positive Employees
- Symptomatic Employees
- All Employees
Clinical Activity Summary:
Added COVID-19 titers and screenings to the Summary report. |
Build 5.20f
(28 July 2020) |
CDC Vaccine Information Statements:
Added the updated VIS for Hepatitis A to the library of forms. |
Error Correction:
Investigated and resolved a Build 5.20d error message reported by a MediTrax user. |
Build 5.20e
(30 June 2020) |
Tuberculosis Surveillance Surveys/Questionnaires:
Merged Post-Offer Preplacement risk assessments and Post-Exposure questionnaires into a single
category on the Employee Portal. |
Build 5.20d
(15 June 2020) |
TB Surveillance "Who's Due" Roster:
Added the ability to specify the criteria used for policy compliance:
- TST or IGRA testing OR Chest x-ray OR Clinical followup
- Surveillance Questionnaire AND Testing/CXR/Clinical followup
- Surveillance Questionnaire OR Testing/CXR/Clinical followup
- Surveillance Questionnaire completed |
Build 5.20c
(20 May 2020) |
Employee Portal Synchronization:
Added the ability to update MediTrax data tables with questionnaires and consent forms
completed in the Employee Portal. |
Forms Completed by Employees:
Added the ability to generate a list of questionnaires and consent forms completed during
any specified timespan. |
Build 5.20b
(14 May 2020) |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Added the ability to designate a COVID-19 diagnosis as OSHA recordable. |
Build 5.20a
(29 April 2020) |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Added the ability to document newly-announced symptoms (Loss of sense of smell, loss of sense
of taste, and new-onset sore throat). |
COVID-19 Surveillance Roster:
Modified the roster format to display multiple antibody and PCR tests for a single worker. |
Respirator Types:
Added OTHER to the picklist of respirator types, to enable documentation of fit
testing for mask types newly introduced to the U.S. market (e.g., FFP2 and KN95). |
Error Correction:
Investigated and resolved a Build 5.19z error message reported by a MediTrax user. |
Build 5.19z
(12 April 2020) |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Expanded the Infectious Disease Screening function to include additional documentation and
reporting options. |
Infectious Disease Surveillance
Modified the sorting criteria to ensure that all workers are listed in the correct department
or cost center. |
State Immunization Registry
Reporting: Implemented and tested the generation of HL7 files for uploading to immunization
registries, using the CDC HL7 2.5.1 standard format. |
Build 5.19y
(27 March 2020) |
COVID-19 Surveillance:
Expanded the Infectious Disease Screening function to include additional documentation and
reporting options. An updated overview of this function is viewable at |
Military Veteran Status:
Added the ability at VA Medical Centers to document whether a worker is a veteran. |
Error Correction:
Investigated and resolved a Build 5.19v error message reported by a MediTrax user. |
Build 5.19x
(19 March 2020) |
Infectious Disease Titers:
Added three COVID-19 titers to the picklist:
- COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Rapid IgM/IgG
Immunization at Another Facility:
Added the option to delete previously-stored vaccine values with a single mouse click. |
MediTrax Help:
Added links to four pages of step-by-step instructions:
- Adding/Editing a Worker's Demographic Record
- Updating MediTrax to the Latest Software Release
- Importing Demographic Records from your HR/Payroll Database
- Configuring an Employee Portal
Build 5.19w
(11 March 2020) |
Infectious Disease Screening/Clearance:
Added the option for the user to create a personal follow-up reminder for any screening.
Reminders are displayed automatically when the user logs on, and can be reviewed and edited
at that time or at any later time by selecting Case Management |
My Followup Reminders.
A link to create a Followup Reminder has also been added to the Medical Evaluation
& Followup tab. |
Infectious Disease Screening/Clearance:
Added a link to a COVID-19 Case Risk Algorithm in the Medical Evaluation & Followup
tab. |
Infectious Disease Screening/Clearance:
Added an icon enabling the user to print a return-to-work clearance note. |
Infectious Disease Screening/Clearance:
Added a menu option for this routine under the EMR/Surveillance header, in both the
Employee Personal EMR and Infectious Disease Surveillance tabs. |
Employee Portal:
Added a menu option to synchronize records in the Portal with your MediTrax data tables. This
synchronization may be performed manually or in an overnight automated routine using the
Windows Server Task Scheduler. |
Build 5.19v
(29 February 2020) |
Vaccine Dosage:
Added a drop-down box enabling documentation of the dosage of an administered vaccine. |
CDC Adult Immunization Recommendations:
Added a link to the updated recommendations for 2020. |
Infectious-Disease Screening:
Added this option to the Case Management menu, enabling documentation of possible exposure to
Ebola and coronavirus. Added links to CDC, WHO and ACOEM documents in the screening window. |
Respirator Fit Testing "Who's Due" Roster:
Modified the search parameters to ensure that former Employees are not displayed in the roster. |
Quantiferon Gold Plus:
Added fields to enable documentation of the four numeric results reported by the laboratory. |
Build 5.19u
(4 February 2020) |
TB Surveillance Clinical Status Roster:
Updated the format of this report. |
TB Surveillance Summary:
Updated the format of this report. |
TB Surveillance "Who's Due"
Restored this report, at the request of several MediTrax users who noted that their facilities
do not comply with current CDC recommendations, and who must still perform annual TST or IGRA
testing. |
TD "Who's Due" Roster:
Added this report to comply with current CDC recommendations. ACIP currently recommends
that healthcare workers be vaccinated against pertussis, and then receive a TD booster every
10 years thereafter. The "Who's Due" roster will, of course, be unable to account
for the recommendation that HCW should be immunized against pertussis during each pregnancy. |
Flu Immunization/Declination Roster
Added menu options to limit the contents of the spreadsheet to a single department, division,
cost center, or surveillance group. |
Error Correction:
Investigated and resolved a Build 5.19s error message reported by a MediTrax user. |
Build 5.19t
(22 January 2020) |
Respirator User Designation:
Added a checkbox to the Medical tab of the Employee demographic record, allowing users
to identify clinical staff and others requiring respirator clearance and fit testing. |
Employee BBP Exposure Risk:
Added a drop-down box to the Medical tab of the Employee demographic record, allowing
users to identify workers at low, medium or high risk of BBP exposure. |
Hepatitis B Clinical Summary:
Added the option to restrict the report to include only Employees at high risk of BBP exposure. |
LTBI Treatment Roster:
Added this report to the Infectious Disease Surveillance menu. |
Build 5.19s
(9 January 2020) |
Drug Testing:
Updated the process for documenting and reporting Breath/Saliva Alcohol Testing. |
Laboratory Test Panels:
Completed the implementation of the ability to create and utilize user-defined panels of
multiple lab tests. |
Vaccine Consent Forms:
Added a link to the Multi-Vaccine Questionnaire and Consent Form to the bottom of the page
when documenting an immunization for Hepatitis B, Measles/Mumps/Rubella (or any combination
of those), Varicella, TD, and Tdap. Clicking the link provides the ability to print a paper
copy of the form, or to open a form previously signed by the Employee in order for the
Employee Health staff member to review the form and document immunizations.
The next step in this process will be to implement the mechanism to import all
immunizations documented on the on-screen form into the Employee's EMR.
In facilities which have not yet implemented the Employee Portal, workers may complete
the on-screen form by selecting EMR/Surveillance | Immunization / Infectious
Disease Surveillance | Immunization Questionnaires & Forms | Multi-Vaccine Questionnaire
& Consent Form. |
CDC Vaccine Information Statements:
Added the updated VISs for Adenovirus, Anthrax and Rabies to the library of forms. |
Tuberculosis "Who's Due" Roster:
Deleted this report, in light of the fact that current best professional practice does NOT
include routine serial screening and testing for HCP without LTBI in the absence of known
exposure or transmission, although it may be considered for select HCP groups.
All U.S. health care personnel should have baseline (POPP) TB screening, including an
individual risk assessment. Annual education including information on occupational and
non-occupational TB risks is strongly recommended for all HCP.
Following a positive TB test, treatment is strongly recommended for all HCP with
LTBI unless contraindications exist. Annual symptom review and counseling are
strongly recommended for all who decline treatment for LTBI. |
Emergency contact information:
Added the display of the cell phone number for an Employee's emergency contact. |
Employee Portal:
Added a link to the Multi-Vaccine Questionnaire and Consent form. |
| | |